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Laporan Downforce
#132615: "The bet points are wrong. I won the First and Second bet and I was given less points than my opponen"
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Peraturan: ada peraturan permainan yang tidak diterapkan dengan tepat
Detil Deskripsi
• Bagian mana dari peraturan yang tidak diterapkan dengan tepat oleh BGA
La asignación de puntos por las apuestas.• Apakah kesalahan peraturan dapat dilihat dari ulangan permainan? Jika ya, pada langkah ke berapa?
En la situación final de la carrera.• Apa browser yang Anda gunakan?
Safari v17.5
Laporkan riwayat
3 Agu 2024 21:23 •
cceerrvv • Bug belum direka-ulang oleh pihak pengembang:
27 Sep 2024 0:10 • img of wrong result...
first bets were wrongly counted... blue has 12M I have 3
blue shod have price for second place and my orange 9 for first place...
first bets were wrongly counted... blue has 12M I have 3
blue shod have price for second place and my orange 9 for first place...
cceerrvv • Bug belum direka-ulang oleh pihak pengembang:
27 Sep 2024 0:14 • End of the game
The game ends when all of the cars have crossed the finish line. Payouts are given to players according to their race results:
1st: $12M
2nd: $9M
3rd: $6M
4th: $4M
5th: $2M
Additionally, betting payouts are awarded as follows:
First bet:
Betting on 1st: $9M
Betting on 2nd: $6M
Betting on 3rd: $3M
Second bet:
Betting on 1st: $6M
Betting on 2nd: $4M
Betting on 3rd: $2M
Third bet:
Betting on 1st: $3M
Betting on 2nd: $2M
Betting on 3rd: $1M
bets counting is not working properly
The game ends when all of the cars have crossed the finish line. Payouts are given to players according to their race results:
1st: $12M
2nd: $9M
3rd: $6M
4th: $4M
5th: $2M
Additionally, betting payouts are awarded as follows:
First bet:
Betting on 1st: $9M
Betting on 2nd: $6M
Betting on 3rd: $3M
Second bet:
Betting on 1st: $6M
Betting on 2nd: $4M
Betting on 3rd: $2M
Third bet:
Betting on 1st: $3M
Betting on 2nd: $2M
Betting on 3rd: $1M
bets counting is not working properly
cceerrvv • Bug belum direka-ulang oleh pihak pengembang:
27 Sep 2024 0:17 • the final counting is correct, but displayed numbers are worng
Tambahkan hal lain di laporan ini
Silakan tambahkan di sini segala sesuatu yang tampaknya relevan untuk mereproduksi bug ini atau memahami saran Anda:
- ID meja / nomor langkah lainnya
- Apakah F5 menyelesaikan masalah?
- Apakah masalah tersebut telah muncul beberapa kali? Setiap kali? Tidak tentu?
- Jika Anda memiliki screenshot bug ini (disarankan), Anda dapat menggunakan untuk menguploadnya dan memberi tautannya di sini.