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Laporan festival_displayed
#145213: "Interface doesn't recognize selected board"
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Bug tampilan: informasi permainan yang ditampilkan salah (tidak menimbulkan konsekuensi yang berarti terhadap permainan)
Detil Deskripsi
• Mohon jelaskan masalah tampilannya. Jika Anda memiliki screenshot bug ini (disarankan), Anda dapat menggunakan untuk menguploadnya dan memberi tautannya di sini.
At the beginning of most, if not all the games of Festival I play, a city board is preselected, while the objective board is not. However, the confrim button only lights up after I click on the city board several times. For instance, say Montreal is preselected. Even if I click on Venice instead, I still cannot click confirm until I have unselected it and selected it again. The same is true if I leave it on the preselected city.
• Apa browser yang Anda gunakan?
Google Chrome v131
Laporkan riwayat
SassyS • Bug belum direka-ulang oleh pihak pengembang:
14 Nov 2024 14:19 • Of course, after I finished the game ending in 39, now I just went to start a new game to get a screenshot of the bug, and it did not happen! This game, I am the red color. Last game, I was green- maybe that has something to do with it?
The table I am at now is 588823816
I have not tried F5, but will do that next time.
The table I am at now is 588823816
I have not tried F5, but will do that next time.
Tambahkan hal lain di laporan ini
Silakan tambahkan di sini segala sesuatu yang tampaknya relevan untuk mereproduksi bug ini atau memahami saran Anda:
- ID meja / nomor langkah lainnya
- Apakah F5 menyelesaikan masalah?
- Apakah masalah tersebut telah muncul beberapa kali? Setiap kali? Tidak tentu?
- Jika Anda memiliki screenshot bug ini (disarankan), Anda dapat menggunakan untuk menguploadnya dan memberi tautannya di sini.