#151201: "Scoring not given"
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• Bagian mana dari peraturan yang tidak diterapkan dengan tepat oleh BGA
If I'm not mistaken, the red and black player should both have scored a set that was not counted during scoring. I read through the rules again and can't see why they wouldn't have scored for them. Could you verify please?• Apakah kesalahan peraturan dapat dilihat dari ulangan permainan? Jika ya, pada langkah ke berapa?
Yes, final scoring• Apa browser yang Anda gunakan?
Google Chrome v125
Laporkan riwayat
Don’t forget, to score a path, you must have the highest score in hand. If red and black are tie but another player has a higher score in hand, both players can’t score.
Black player has 11 in hand to score royal poinciana... why wouldn't the 2-3-5 run score 3 points?
Red player has 7 in hand to score tulip poplar.. why wouldn't the 3-4-5-6-7 score 5 points?
Also fix the tiebreaker display in the scoring table during a replay
Tambahkan hal lain di laporan ini
- ID meja / nomor langkah lainnya
- Apakah F5 menyelesaikan masalah?
- Apakah masalah tersebut telah muncul beberapa kali? Setiap kali? Tidak tentu?
- Jika Anda memiliki screenshot bug ini (disarankan), Anda dapat menggunakan Imgur.com untuk menguploadnya dan memberi tautannya di sini.