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Laporan Downforce
#34544: "On "crumbling road" track, car was allowed to stop on a rough spot"
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Peraturan: ada peraturan permainan yang tidak diterapkan dengan tepat
Detil Deskripsi
• Bagian mana dari peraturan yang tidak diterapkan dengan tepat oleh BGA
Cars are not supposed to be able to end their turn on a rough spot on this map.• Apakah kesalahan peraturan dapat dilihat dari ulangan permainan? Jika ya, pada langkah ke berapa?
Yes, move #43 or #44.• Apa browser yang Anda gunakan?
Google Chrome v88
Laporkan riwayat
19 Feb 2021 18:42 •
Lymon Flowers • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
19 Feb 2021 19:12 • Confirmed. How weird it should not happen. However this reminds me an old bug at the same place and configuration. Will investigate, thanks.
Charlos Domingo • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
20 Feb 2021 18:02 • lacvoiturecjaune acfini un tour dans les obstacle
joel2v32 • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
24 Jun 2021 18:39 • This happened to me yesterday, June 23rd.
Here are the details for what happened to me...
Table: 182370846
Move: 43
Yellow was beside Orange and Red.
Orange was blocked (because yellow was there).
Yellow had a 4 and should not have been able to move 4 but it did and landed on a space with rocks.
See above links for Screen Shot and Game Reference.
See also previous ticket that was resolved with same issue of car landing on bridge rocks (I believe this has been resolved):
Here are the details for what happened to me...
Table: 182370846
Move: 43
Yellow was beside Orange and Red.
Orange was blocked (because yellow was there).
Yellow had a 4 and should not have been able to move 4 but it did and landed on a space with rocks.
See above links for Screen Shot and Game Reference.
See also previous ticket that was resolved with same issue of car landing on bridge rocks (I believe this has been resolved):
azureuzi • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
15 Sep 2021 12:15 • Black car stopped on the bumpy part of the road, earlier in the game (The very first bump)
Table - 202028748
F5 did not solve the problem. Problem continued till the car moved.
Table - 202028748
F5 did not solve the problem. Problem continued till the car moved.
azureuzi • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
21 Sep 2021 11:21 • Yellow car stopped on the bumpy part of the road, earlier in the game (The very first bump)
Table - 203476674
F5 did not solve the problem. Problem continued till the car moved.
Table - 203476674
F5 did not solve the problem. Problem continued till the car moved.
JackNapis • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
5 Mar 2022 22:56 •
11 Mar 2022 4:59 • The black car was able to stop on a crumbling road spot.
Table - 245238396
Table - 245238396
wrldtrvllr • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
29 Jun 2022 8:29 • Same situation in this game on turn 59:
We abandoned the game as the incorrect movement hugely affected the likely outcome.
We abandoned the game as the incorrect movement hugely affected the likely outcome.
TeddyCuoreDolce • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
14 Sep 2022 12:32 • on table #299939873, turn 3, the black car moves and stops into the very first dangerous square, even if it has no movement to complete the overtake
the only 2 placement options given by the game were crumbling, there was not even the option to stop before
the only 2 placement options given by the game were crumbling, there was not even the option to stop before
Setzera • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
20 Des 2022 6:36 •
I came to report this same issue. Blue car in picture one should not have been able to end turn there. Not sure what turn it was.
Table: 328207710
I came to report this same issue. Blue car in picture one should not have been able to end turn there. Not sure what turn it was.
Table: 328207710
TrinaCat • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
30 Mar 2023 0:22 • Table #358892091
Move #111
turn based tournement game.
turn based automove had Black car's Reckless power end its movement on a dangerous space (and so blocked my planned Red car's movement)
Old but report that had been fixed (used to mostly happen from power Determined) here
Move #111
turn based tournement game.
turn based automove had Black car's Reckless power end its movement on a dangerous space (and so blocked my planned Red car's movement)
Old but report that had been fixed (used to mostly happen from power Determined) here
RandomUN • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
15 Mar 2025 18:19 • Table #:644380570
Orange stopped on rumble space. Movement was an auto-move. Game was abandoned as a result
Orange stopped on rumble space. Movement was an auto-move. Game was abandoned as a result
Tambahkan hal lain di laporan ini
Silakan tambahkan di sini segala sesuatu yang tampaknya relevan untuk mereproduksi bug ini atau memahami saran Anda:
- ID meja / nomor langkah lainnya
- Apakah F5 menyelesaikan masalah?
- Apakah masalah tersebut telah muncul beberapa kali? Setiap kali? Tidak tentu?
- Jika Anda memiliki screenshot bug ini (disarankan), Anda dapat menggunakan untuk menguploadnya dan memberi tautannya di sini.