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Laporan Downforce
#41016: "Didn't get experienced power"
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Peraturan: ada peraturan permainan yang tidak diterapkan dengan tepat
Detil Deskripsi
• Bagian mana dari peraturan yang tidak diterapkan dengan tepat oleh BGA
Didn't get experienced power• Apakah kesalahan peraturan dapat dilihat dari ulangan permainan? Jika ya, pada langkah ke berapa?
move no. 68• Apa browser yang Anda gunakan?
Google Chrome v90
Laporkan riwayat
12 Mei 2021 21:01 •
Lymon Flowers • Ini bukan bug:
22 Mei 2021 10:46 • Looking at the log I see that you got it and even used it! So no bug to me. Please let me know if I have missed something so I will reopen this bug.
dopepope • Ini bukan bug:
30 Mei 2021 17:34 • Hi. Please look at the red car and not the green car. Both have experienced power. Red should have received the experienced power in Move 68, because green moved.
Also, in Move 56, it's asking if I want to move Red, when Green has already moved.
Also, in Move 56, it's asking if I want to move Red, when Green has already moved.
Lymon Flowers • Informasi tambahan dibutuhkan oleh pihak pengembang untuk melakukan reka-ulang bug ini:
31 Mei 2021 17:54 • I will later
dopepope • Informasi tambahan dibutuhkan oleh pihak pengembang untuk melakukan reka-ulang bug ini:
5 Jun 2021 16:13 • thanks!
dopepope • Informasi tambahan dibutuhkan oleh pihak pengembang untuk melakukan reka-ulang bug ini:
1 Jul 2021 19:43 • did you get a chance to have a look again?
Lymon Flowers • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
29 Agu 2021 22:49 • OK, I see. It is because on this track the fact that the green was actually not "in front" of the red car. As this is a loop, I implemented a flat track with some links from that specific places.
I will fix this shortly.
I will fix this shortly.
scorekeeper1 • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
27 Feb 2023 18:12 • Hello, I was wondering if this bug is being addressed. Thanks!
Keseph • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
5 Nov 2023 21:53 • On my second play of the game, I should have gotten an extra move to the yellow car.
I think I saw this happen before and it appears it has somthing to do with the finnish line being between the car that moves first and the car that should have the extra (experienced) move.
I think I saw this happen before and it appears it has somthing to do with the finnish line being between the car that moves first and the car that should have the extra (experienced) move.
Gfunk7676 • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
2 Jan 2025 23:56 • Table #609457325
Move #38
My second car (the red car) which was directly behind the black car did not move after the first car (the black car) moved due to experience. I have seen this happen on multiple tracks. Experienced power should move all cars with experience if the car ahead of them moved as their first move. It seems like it isn't counting a car that moved due to experience as its first move or something like that.
Move #38
My second car (the red car) which was directly behind the black car did not move after the first car (the black car) moved due to experience. I have seen this happen on multiple tracks. Experienced power should move all cars with experience if the car ahead of them moved as their first move. It seems like it isn't counting a car that moved due to experience as its first move or something like that.
Beiren • Bug telah dikonfirmasi oleh pihak pengembang:
12 Jan 2025 0:18 • Same @
Table #614029501
Move #64
I think it's because the guy in front of me also used a power
Table #614029501
Move #64
I think it's because the guy in front of me also used a power
Tambahkan hal lain di laporan ini
Silakan tambahkan di sini segala sesuatu yang tampaknya relevan untuk mereproduksi bug ini atau memahami saran Anda:
- ID meja / nomor langkah lainnya
- Apakah F5 menyelesaikan masalah?
- Apakah masalah tersebut telah muncul beberapa kali? Setiap kali? Tidak tentu?
- Jika Anda memiliki screenshot bug ini (disarankan), Anda dapat menggunakan untuk menguploadnya dan memberi tautannya di sini.