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#82245: "Fences are light gray and nearly impossible to see"
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• Tolong jelaskan saran Anda secara tepat dan ringkas sehingga semudah mungkin untuk memahami apa yang Anda maksud.
After building a fence, it shows as very light gray, making it impossible to see where the fence are unless you constantly zoom in really close. My friend sees the fences as black on their screen, which is significantly easier to see and keep track of. Can you please make it so the fences are black for everyone, or allow a color selection. As of now, it's too frustrating to keep playing.
Also, it would be nice if housing projects were somehow highlighted to quickly see where certain groups are.• Apa browser yang Anda gunakan?
Google Chrome v106 (app)
Laporkan riwayat
Perpetual_Travel • Saran ini belum dianalisis oleh pengembang:
25 Feb 2023 17:59 • For me, the fences are always light gray (same color as the dotted line). For my friend they are always black.
Tisaac • Pengembang ingin informasi lebih lanjut tentang saran ini:
25 Feb 2023 18:35 • Well the issue is with your device for sure since it's supposed to be black to everyone. Can you share more infos about your device ?
Ordinn • Pengembang ingin informasi lebih lanjut tentang saran ini:
9 Jan 2024 14:07 • On smartphone and tablet the fences are white. On PC they are black.
Tambahkan hal lain di laporan ini
Silakan tambahkan di sini segala sesuatu yang tampaknya relevan untuk mereproduksi bug ini atau memahami saran Anda:
- ID meja / nomor langkah lainnya
- Apakah F5 menyelesaikan masalah?
- Apakah masalah tersebut telah muncul beberapa kali? Setiap kali? Tidak tentu?
- Jika Anda memiliki screenshot bug ini (disarankan), Anda dapat menggunakan untuk menguploadnya dan memberi tautannya di sini.