BuyWord adalah permainan kata dengan trik. Kamu membayar uang dengan harga yang baik untuk membeli huruf, lalu membentuk suatu kata untuk dijual dengan keuntungan, jika kamu bisa. hasil penjualan bergantung dengan kuantitas dan kualitas dari kata-kata mu. BuyWord mencampurkan dasar matematika, manajemen uang, dan pembangunan kata yang jadul dikemas dengan simpel dan elegan dengan memastika setiap pemain terlibat setiap giliran hingga akhir. BuyWord adalah game kedua oleh Sackson Signature Series
Jumlah pemain: 1 - 4
Durasi permainan: 15 mn
Kompleksitas: 2 / 5
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Mainkan BuyWord dan 959 permainan lainnya online.
Tidak perlu unduh - bermain langsung dari web browser anda.
Dengan teman-teman Anda dan ribuan pemain dari seluruh dunia.
Rangkuman peraturan
- Each player starts with 200 dollars.
- Each players gets 8 wild tiles for 1 player, 4 for 2 players, 3 for 3 players and 2 for 4 players.
- At the start of each round, a die is thrown.
- The number on it is the number of tiles drawn by each player this round.
- If it is “choice”, the first player chooses a number from 2 to 5.
- Starting from the first player, each player may buy all or none of their drawn tiles.
- If you choose to buy all, pay an amount of money equal to the square of the total number of pips on them. Otherwise, discard them.
- Starting from the first player, each player may sell any number of words.
- If you want to play a word, discard the tiles needed and get an amount of money equal to the square of the total number of pips on them.
- A wild tile counts as any letter, but each word may only have one wild.
- At the end of the round, each player must discard down to 8 letters, excluding wilds.
- Afterwards, the last player becomes the first player and a new round is started.
End of the Game
- The last round starts when the last letter is drawn. If the tiles drawn cannot satisfy the requirements, they are all discarded.
- After all players sell their last words, the player with the most money wins.
- For solo, a score of $800 is considered a “fair” performance, $900 is “good” and $1000 is “outstanding.”