Empire Plateau adalah pengalaman BARU bagi semua pecinta permainan papan dan terlebih lagi bagi mereka yang berpikiran strategis dan dapat dimainkan oleh 2 pemain*. Sebuah permainan untuk keluarga, teman, dan pecinta pemikiran lateral yang tidak memerlukan Dadu, Tanpa Kartu, dan Tanpa Keberuntungan!
Tema tentara didasarkan pada Empat Kerajaan yang menguasai dunia pada masanya; Babilonia, Persia Median, Yunani dan Romawi.
Rencanakan strategi Anda untuk Pertahanan dan Serangan, bermanuver di sekitar papan permainan, menangkan pertempuran kecil, gunakan keterampilan dan taktik untuk menguasai area dan akhirnya mengklaim Kemenangan dengan menaklukkan markas Kerajaan lawan Anda.
Jumlah pemain: 2
Durasi permainan: 12 mn
Kompleksitas: 1 / 5
Mainkan empireplateau dan 960 permainan lainnya online.
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Dengan teman-teman Anda dan ribuan pemain dari seluruh dunia.
Mainkan empireplateau dan 960 permainan lainnya online.
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Dengan teman-teman Anda dan ribuan pemain dari seluruh dunia.
Rangkuman peraturan
Empire Plateau (Arena) is the online adaptation of the 2- to 4-player version of the same game. The main difference is that Empire Plateau Arena features faster contact between opposing armies due to its smaller 16x11 long/lat grid, compared to the 24x11 grid used by its first-edition cardboard counterpart. Empire Plateau Arena is configured for just 2 players at a time.
Conquer your opponent's Empire Base by landing any of your game pieces on it. The Empire Base is located underneath the starting position of your army's Emblem.
On your turn, you must make a minimum of 6 moves.
Each army can only move up to its value. For example, a 4 can move up to 4 spaces. So, a 4 and a 2 moving their full distance would count toward the required minimum. Similarly, three 4s moving at half speed (2 spaces each) would also fulfill the minimum of 6 moves.
The Emblem, which has no numerical value, can move up to 12 spaces. If it is moved after a small army (a 2, 4, or 6), no other small army can be moved again during that turn. Likewise, if the Emblem is moved before a small army, that small army cannot be moved again that turn. The Emblem is the only piece that can be stationed on or moved through its own Empire Base. Moving only the Emblem on your turn, without deploying small armies, is allowed as long as the minimum of 6 moves is met.
A single move is from one dot to another connected dot in any direction except diagonal.
An army cannot end its movement on the same dot it started from, but it can change direction freely during its move (e.g., it could go forward, then left/back, then right—any combination).
An army cannot be moved a second time in the same turn, even if it has moves remaining.
If your army captures an opponent's piece, its move ends, and the opponent’s army is removed from the board.
-2s can only capture by moving in an L shape.
-4s can jump over any army next to or adjacent to them before resolving the remainder of their move (including capturing or conquering), but they cannot change direction mid-air, and the jumped piece is not captured.
Keep your base protected from long-range Emblem attacks.
Utilize the jumping ability of the 4s to advance up the board and conquer.
Use the multitude of 2s to protect your base from being captured.