Klaverjassen adalah nama Belanda untuk permainan kartu trick-tacking empat pemain tradisional yang populer.
Namanya mengacu pada 'jas' (Jack) sebagai kartu truf dengan nilai tertinggi (seperti dalam permainan kartu lain dari keluarga Jass seperti Belote), dan 'klaver' (klub, atau secara harfiah: semanggi).
Menggunakan dek piquet yang terdiri dari 32 kartu (7 banding As dari 4 jenis), pemain mencoba untuk mencetak poin dalam dua tim, dengan partner duduk di seberangnya.
Setelan Trump untuk tangan secara tradisional ditentukan dengan memutar dari tumpukan kartu rendah 2-6.
Alternatifnya, kartu truf dapat ditentukan oleh pemain pertama setelah dealer, yang kemudian harus bermain.
Ada dua varian penting yang berkaitan dengan kewajiban untuk mengalahkan. Aturan Rotterdam memaksa pemain yang tidak bisa mengikuti suit untuk melakukan truf jika memungkinkan, bahkan jika partner pemain tersebut sedang melakukan trik. Aturan Amsterdam memungkinkan pemain memilih untuk tidak mengalahkan jika rekannya saat ini memimpin trik.
Saat bermain Amsterdams, undrumping hanya diperbolehkan jika tidak dapat dihindari dengan cara lain.
Jumlah pemain: 4
Durasi permainan: 35 mn
Kompleksitas: 2 / 5
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Rangkuman peraturan
- 4 player card game.
- 2 teams of two, partners sitting opposite.
- Only 7 to A are used.
Game play
- Each player is dealt 8 cards at the start of each round.
- A card is drawn to decide the trump suit.
- If it’s a joker, the dealer’s left player chooses the trump suit (classic).
- No matter what, the dealer’s left player’s team are the makers and the other are the defenders.
- The player left to the dealer leads the first trick.
- Others must follow suit if possible.
- If not, they are forced to over-trump (Rotterdams).
- The highest trump wins the trick, unless there are no trumps, then the highest card of the suit led wins.
- In all suits, 10 is higher than K.
- In the trump suit, J is the highest card, followed by 9, then A.
Round end
At the end of the round points are calculated.
Card | Trump value | Non-trump value |
J | 20 | 2 |
9 | 14 | 0 |
A | 11 | 11 |
10 | 10 | 10 |
K | 4 | 4 |
Q | 3 | 3 |
Other | 0 | 0 |
- The last trick is worth 10 points.
- If a team takes all the tricks they get an additional 100 points.
Card combinations
- During the play, players may declare different combinations of cards:
- 3-card run = 20 points
- 4-card run = 50 points
- four of A, 10, K or Q = 100 points
- four J = 200 points
- K and Q of trumps = 20 points
- If the makers score more than the defenders, both teams score normally.
- Otherwise, the defenders score all the points, including the combination points.
Dealer change
- After each round, dealer changes clockwise.
Game end
Normally, the game ends when one team gets 1500 points or more. The team with the most points wins the game.
Game length
- The game ends when a team gets 750 points, or after 8 rounds.
- The game ends after 16 rounds.
- The game ends after 1 round.
- With Amsterdam rules, you are only forced to over-trump when your opponents are winning or trumps are led.
- You still cannot under-trump.
Mandatory trump selection
- The first player always chooses the trump.
- You can choose to exclude jokers.