Pingimus (dari bahasa latin: "we paint") adalah permainan yang dimainkan minimal 3 (lebih baik 5) hingga 12 pemain. Dalam 3 fase permainan, setiap orang a) menggambar untuk istilah yang diberikan b) melihat gambar pemain lain dan menebak, apa istilah mereka c) memilih di antara tebakan dan mencoba mencocokkan istilah aslinya. Penilaian: Setiap orang, yang tebakannya dipilih pada fase c) mendapat poin, dan pelukis gambar mendapat poin, jika istilah aslinya dipilih.
Jumlah pemain: 3 - 12
Durasi permainan: 24 mn
Kompleksitas: 0 / 5
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Mainkan Pingimus dan 992 permainan lainnya online.
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Dengan teman-teman Anda dan ribuan pemain dari seluruh dunia.
Rangkuman peraturan
For tips on how to play pingimus, see Tips_pingimus
Game play
- Each round, every player is given a different thing to draw.
- Players have one minute to draw their pictures,
- Timers start at the moment they begin drawing.
- When all drawings have been drawn, they are dealt out in turn.
- For each drawing, everyone except for the artist makes a private guess of what they think the drawing is of.
- When all guesses are in, the guesses are displayed to all the players, along with the original prompt that the artist was given.
- If multiple entries are very similar, players may vote to say that these should be treated as the same, single answer for scoring.
- For example: if one entry is "ice tray" and another is "icecube tray".
- Players vote on which they think was the original prompt.
- Votes are revealed.
- Guessers score 1 point for everyone who chose their guess.
- The artist scores 1 point for everyone who chose their original prompt.
- Note: the default BGA scoring method does not give points for correct guesses.
- It is up to the table administrator to decide this before the game begins.
Game length
- Usually 3 to 5 rounds.
- Each round every player submits one drawing.