Di Pixies, Anda melewati musim untuk bertemu makhluk kecil yang muncul dari bunga atau berlindung di lubang pohon. Pilih salah satu kartu yang ditampilkan, tapi hati-hati kartu mana yang Anda tinggalkan untuk lawan!
Tempatkan kartu itu di area permainan Anda sesuai dengan nomornya. Kartu yang ditempatkan satu di atas yang lain akan divalidasi dan memberi Anda poin di akhir putaran, begitu pula zona warna terbesar dan spiral Anda. Mudah...namun Anda akan menemukan bahwa pemain lain tidak akan kehabisan nasihat buruk.
Jumlah pemain: 2 - 5
Durasi permainan: 8 mn
Kompleksitas: 1 / 5
Mainkan Pixies dan 959 permainan lainnya online.
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Dengan teman-teman Anda dan ribuan pemain dari seluruh dunia.
Mainkan Pixies dan 959 permainan lainnya online.
Tidak perlu unduh - bermain langsung dari web browser anda.
Dengan teman-teman Anda dan ribuan pemain dari seluruh dunia.
Rangkuman peraturan
The game plays over 3 rounds
On your turn, take a card from the display and place it in your area, whoever chose last chooses first next
To place a card there are a number of conditions
Firstly, if the number on the card matches a number in your grid, it will be placed in the empty space
If the grid space is filled with a facedown card, treat it as empty and place it there
If the grid space is filled with a faceup card, pick which one to keep faceup and the other goes facedown under it (so either the old or new card could be faceup)
If the grid space is filled with a faceup card with a facedown card under it, it is considered validated, and as such the new card has to go facedown on an empty space
Round end
The round ends when a player has at least 1 card in all 9 spaces
Validated cards (faceup cards covering a facedown card) score the number on the faceup card
Spirals visible anywhere score 1 point each
Crosses visible anywhere lose 1 point each
Condition cards score based on their condition e.g. 1 point per faceup
The largest orthogonally adjacent same colour faceup cards score 2/3/4 points per card in round 1/2/3
Don't forget that multicoloured cards count for wherever they're needed
Note down the round scores, shuffle all the cards, and start a new round
Game End
Once three rounds are finished and scored, the player with the most points wins!