Pada zaman dahulu, Kaisar Cina memberi Kaisar Jepang seekor Panda Raksasa sebagai simbol perdamaian. Misi mu adalah untuk merawat panda dengan menanam kebun bambu.
Anda harus bertani di lahan, mengairi dan menanam bambu di sana. Tapi hati-hati dengan hewan suci dan nafsu makannya yang tidak sehat untuk tunas crunch ...
Pemain yang menanam bambu terbanyak dengan mengelola lahan mereka dengan sangat baik sekaligus memuaskan rasa lapar si panda akan menjadi pemenangnya.
Jumlah pemain: 2 - 4
Durasi permainan: 17 mn
Kompleksitas: 2 / 5
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Mainkan Takenoko dan 959 permainan lainnya online.
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Dengan teman-teman Anda dan ribuan pemain dari seluruh dunia.
Rangkuman peraturan
Quick Reference Guide
Each turn consists of 2 steps:
1) Determine weather
2) Perform 2 different actions and complete objectives
Weather Types (always optional)
Sun - take a 3rd action
Rain - grow 1 bamboo on any irrigated plot
Wind - take two identical actions
Storm - move panda to any plot and he eats a bamboo as normal
Clouds - take an improvement chip from the bank, if no chips are available, choose 1 of the other 4 types of weather for this turn
Improvements can only be placed on plots with no bamboo. There can only be 1 improvement on a plot and once placed cannot be changed.
Irrigation channels must be between two plots. When a plot is irrigated for the first time it grows bamboo.
Plots can only be placed adjacent to the pond or where it is next to 2 other plots in play.
The gardener grows bamboo on his plot and all adjacent irrigated plots of the same color.
Game ends when a certain number of objectives have been completed.
2 players - 9 objectives
3 players - 8 objectives
4 players - 7 objectives
The first player to complete the required number of objectives triggers the final round and scores 2 bonus points. The other players have a final turn.
The highest score wins, the tie breaker is number of points on panda objectives. If the score is still tied then all tied players win.