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Anda adalah salah satu pemain game kami yang paling setia!
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For tips on how to play pandemic, see Tips_pandemic
Select from the actions listed below, up to 4 actions per turn.
Role special abilities may change how an action works.
Some actions involve discarding a card from your hand.
Move to a city connected to the one you are in.
Discard a City card to move to the city named on the card.
Discard the City card that matches the city you are in to move to any city.
Move from a city with a research station to any other city that has a research station.
Discard the City card that matches the city you are in to place a research station there.
6 research stations may be built.
Remove 1 disease cube from the city you are in. (If this disease colour has been cured, remove all cubes of that colour from the city you are in.)
If the last cube of a cured disease is removed from the board, this disease is eradicated.
You can do this action in two ways:
The other player must also be in the city with you, and both of you need to agree to do this.
If the player who gets the card now has more than 7 cards, that player must immediately discard a card or play an Event card.
At any research station, discard 5 City cards of the same colour from your hand to cure the disease of that colour.
Move the disease’s cure marker to its Cure Indicator.
If no cubes of this colour are on the board, this disease is now eradicated.
Event cards you draw may be used at any time (including during other players' moves) except just when a card is about to be resolved.
Playing an event card does not count as one of your four actions.
If you draw an epidemic from the city deck (4 epidemics in Introductory Mode, 5 in Standard, 6 in Heroic):
If you would have to place a 4th disease cube of the same colour in a city, an outbreak occurs instead:
Each player has one of these roles assigned at the beginning of the game:
Take an Event Card from the Discard pile and place it on the Role Card.
It doesn't count against the limit of 7 hand cards.
Move any pawn to a city containing another pawn OR Move another player's pawn as if it were their own.
Remove all cubes of a colour when treating a city. For any cured disease:
Build a Research Station in their location without discarding a city card.
Once per turn, move to any city from a Research Station, using any city card.
Prevents Outbreaks and placement of disease cubes in their location plus all connecting cities.
May give any card to a player in same location (during either player's turn).
Can cure a disease by using only 4, not 5, cards of the same colour.
There is one way to win the game:
There are three ways to lose the game:
Catatan: 3D bersifat eksperimental