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Meja #631283661
Langkah #51
Perkembangan 23%

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Mode 3D

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Opsi permainan

Mode permainan
Kecepatan permainan
Permainan ini sudah diperbarui sejak permainan dimulai: maka tampilan ulang ini bersifat PERCOBAAN.

Pemain Doer kehabisan waktu (atau keluar dari permainan) dan kalah dari permainan ini (pada perkembangan permainan 23%).

Mode persahabatan telah diaktifkan untuk tabel ini: tidak ada penalti yang akan diterapkan.


My hand


Ship: EYanyo

Ship: dolmaur

Ship: Doer





0 -520841843 eur Visitor-520

Bantuan permainan:

Halaman dari BGA wiki ini ditampilkan dalam bahasa Inggris karena belum ada konten dalam bahasa Anda. Jangan ragu untuk membuatnya!


Start Fights with other Pirates to gain Treasure and be the first to hold 5 Treasure at the start of your turn


Each turn you can take two actions, these can be either draw a card or play a card

Drawn cards come from the facedown deck

Playing a card depends on its type

Treasure Cards CANNOT be played, instead you are trying to collect them

Instants are played to the discard after the effect resolves

Crew can be played to an empty Crew space, either your own or someone else's (max 2 per player)

Vessels are played tot their spot on your area and have 3 health (max 1 at a time, but you can play a new vessel to replace the current one)

A Cannon can be played to initiate combat


Active player picks a single opponent to attack

Active player places one cannon facedown

Active player can place a 2nd cannon facedown if they have both their actions available

Defender can pick up to two combat cards to play facedown

Reveal all cards and count up shots fired, factor in Crew and Vessel abilities, and the player with the most shots wins the combat (ties go to Defender)

The combat loser discards all their crew, except Ghost Crew, and their Vessel takes 1 damage (if this was it's 3rd damage, any cards under it are returned to their owners)

All played combat cards are then discarded

Combat winner looks at opponent's hand and picks a card to take for themself

Game End

If at start of turn a player has 5 Treasures in hand, they display these to everyone and win!

Kembali ke permainan

Catatan: 3D bersifat eksperimental

Anda adalah penonton pada permainan ini
89 hari
Perlihatkan kursor

Ini adalah game pertamaku.
Terima kasih telah membantu!

57 hari
Perlihatkan kursor

Giliran pemain ini telah dilewati (pemain telah meninggalkan game atau kehabisan waktu)

89 hari
Perlihatkan kursor

Giliran pemain ini telah dilewati (pemain telah meninggalkan game atau kehabisan waktu)

Penonton: Visitor-520841843
Mundur dari Permainan
Bubarkan Permainan
Doer telah meninggalkan permainan dan akan dinyatakan kalah dalam game ini apa pun yang terjadi.
3/1/2025 12:43 PM
dolmaur wins the combat. The attack won.
03:01 PM
Doer will not defend himself from combat
08:33 AM
dolmaur starts a combat against Doer
dolmaur plays the Cannon card
12:08 AM
dolmaur draws a card
2/22/2025 12:07 AM
EYanyo takes a card from Doer
EYanyo wins the combat. The attack won.
09:20 PM
Doer adds their cards to the combat
08:44 PM
EYanyo adds a new card to combat
07:58 PM
EYanyo starts a combat against Doer
EYanyo plays the Cannon card
07:57 PM
Doer draws a card
Doer draws a card
Doer looks at dolmaur cards
07:49 PM
dolmaur discards a crew card from a ship
dolmaur plays the Walk the Plank card
dolmaur draws a card
2/19/2025 07:46 PM
EYanyo plays the Sea-Urchin card
EYanyo draws a card
EYanyo moves a card to the bottom of the deck
EYanyo moves a card to the bottom of the deck
05:14 PM
Doer adds a pirate to the EYanyo ship
Doer plays the Ghost Pirate card
Doer adds a pirate to the EYanyo ship
Doer plays the Cursed Pirate card
Doer looks at EYanyo cards
05:12 AM
dolmaur discards a crew card from a ship
dolmaur plays the Walk the Plank card
dolmaur draws a card
2/18/2025 02:32 AM
EYanyo plays the Rum card
EYanyo draws a card
EYanyo moves a card to the bottom of the deck
EYanyo moves a card to the bottom of the deck
06:32 PM
Doer adds a pirate to the Doer ship
Doer plays the Pirate card
Doer plays the Cyclop's Eye card
11:20 AM
dolmaur adds a pirate to the Doer ship
dolmaur plays the Ghost Pirate card
dolmaur draws a card
11:14 AM
EYanyo plays the Rum card
06:06 AM
EYanyo plays the Wheel of Fortune card
06:05 AM
Warna EYanyo, dolmaur, Doer telah dipilih menurut preferensinya. Ganti preferensi saya.
2/17/2025 06:00 AM
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